This is a 4 week, live, transformational program. The course is delivered live on Zoom, will cover 4 modules, and teaches a step-by-step process to deepen your relationship with your intuition, and build confidence and provide clarity. Each week has a specific focus that builds on the previous week.

Each class is recorded and sent to you the very next day with self-guided homework to integrate these tools into mastery. You’ll also get specific homework to help develop your skills and integrate what we learned PLUS connect with your community!

This course is about the journey back to you - reclaiming your essence and becoming ALL of you: the deeply connected, creative, passionate, joyful, confident, gifted Spirit you already are and have always been.

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

  • Rediscover Your Spirit + Unique Signature
  • Learn the Vibrational Signatures of Your Spirit, Your Conscious Mind + Ego
  • Uncover Your Innate Gifts
  • Gain Clarity on what your Spirit Wants to Tell You Right Now
  • Begin Using Your Intuition Purposefully to Create

Unblocking Your Body + Healing Limiting Beliefs

  • How to Use Your Intuition to Heal the Connection With Your Body
  • Understand How Intuition Speaks in Your Body
  • Uncover Unconscious Beliefs + Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
  • Connect Your Ego + Conscious Mind to Trust Your Spirit
  • Clear Energetic Cords and Clear Karmic Patterns

Unlock Creativity - Intuition + Imagination

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. " - Albert Einstein


  • Remove Fear From Creative Thinking
  • Reconnect to Play as the Road to Creative Solutions + The Portal to Intuitive Listening
  • Learn How Creativity and Intuition are Linked
  • Bring Visioning into Focus - Foundation to Manifestation
  • Eliminate Doubt + Be Confident
  • Use Your Intuition and Spirit Guides to Find Solutions

Life Centered In Spirit

  • reate Your Spiritual Routines + Build a Consistent Practice
  • What it means to Live a Spirit Forward Life
  • How to Stay Connected to Your Spirit

What are the benefits?

Spiritual Awakening + Development Receive Insights and Revelations from Your Higher Self

Heal Self-Criticism and Self Doubt



Unlock Your Confidence in Yourself + Your Spirit


Healing Yourself + Others
Transform Fears + Limitations


What you will learn:


Each week, you’ll be given grounding tools to move you into a direct relationship with your Spirit. You’ll gain confidence, clarity, and connection to your Spirit as your new normal.

Discover unconscious blocks and heal limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in outworn patterns so you can create the life you want. Develop a deep relationship with your Spirit, Spirit Guides, and Higher Self - learn to get grounded guidance, with actionable steps to move you forward.

Find Your Soul Tribe


The Group Masterclass Sessions are centered around the universal truth that lasting change comes from developing a deep connection with your Spirit, as you discover your spontaneous magic & realizing that – you’re never alone.

These group sessions are nurturing places for you to strengthen your intuitive muscles, develop your believing eyes, and tap into your own deeper intuitive power. These deep, interactive classes provide access to incorporating accountability, community, & practical action into your spiritual journey.

Here are the schedule of classes:

First class Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM CST on Zoom

Second Class: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM CST on Zoom

Third Class: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM CST on Zoom

Fourth and Final Class: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM CST on Zoom

All classes are recorded, so if you miss a class, we will send you the recording with the homework.  

Hi! My name is Sonia Tully - I'm a fourth-generation intuitive, Hay House author, intuitive teacher, reader, and guide. Over the last decade, I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you - reconnect back to their intuition, reclaim their magic, turn doubt into decision-making, and start living life — from the inside out.

Your intuition is the voice of your Spirit — it's your innate Divine Self and the channel to your Divine support, guidance, and flow. When you're plugged back into the magic that is you, your head and heart become the best of friends, and you rediscover your unique gifts, purpose, and power.

It's time to get out of your head and anchor back into your Spirit where life shifts from ordinary to extraordinary, uncovering your most creative, empowered, connected, authentic expression of you.

For questions and clarifications, please email us at [email protected]